Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hey everyone
After Machu Picchu we headed back up to Lima for a few days to get a flight to Chile. We went out to a very nice dinner with some friends at a place with great food and a good vibe. After that we went out to a club called Carpe Diem. (When there are a bunch of kids with knapsacks and definitely feel old). The music scene here is a lot of electronica in the club scene, but there are a few latin american songs that we really like. On Sunday, we had a full USA day...starting with lunch at Chiles and then to the sportsbar with every other American in Lima to watch the Steelers crush the Broncos. Woohoo!! Good times. Hope you enjoy the pics.
Amie & Mack

Mack and Angie at Carpe Diem
Luis & Angie
The whole crew at Wahio's - reggae bar
Mack, Amie & Luis - free drinks until 2am
The 4 of us at the best restaurant in Lima


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