Thursday, March 30, 2006


Hi everyone,

The Pantanal is one of the largest ecological wetlands in the world, with over 800 species of birds, a plethora of wild animals, and some of the most beautiful landscapes. Including this in the trip agenda at the last minute is one of the best ideas we´ve had yet. Truly an amazing experience. We saw so many things that we´ve never seen in our lives, and several first time experiences. The workers on the farm were so welcoming and took great care of us. We were the only ones on the tour and even though we couldn´t communicate with most of them, they shared in our experience. These are some of the best photos yet so take your time to cruise through....we love sharing them.

Peace and Love,

Mack and Amie

On the way to the farm

1st stop at the cabins. Giant foot bridge used during the rainy season

Miranda river on the way to the farm

In the truck on a safari on the way to the farm

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