Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Hi everyone - we´re in Buenos Aires now and loving it...our favorite city on the tour by far. Everything is much less expensive here, the food is ridiculous, the people are so chill, and the city is totally alive with energy. There is so much to do and see in this city and we´re just trying to fit in as much as possible. Having some friends here has been great because we got our first taste of home in awhile and have already seen many parts of the city. Super excited for JB and Emily to get here in a couple weeks, can´t wait for the beaches; check out what we´ve been doing so far.


Mack and Amie
Amie at Filo, insane Italian restaurant
Friends we met at a bar our first night on the town.

View of Tommy´s dad´s apartment from our hotel window...top floor of the tall building on the left

Tango show on Florida...there are always dancers in the street on any given day

Very expressive dance which is a huge part of Argentine culture


Florida Street in central part of Buenos Aires...this is the shopping/restaurant district close to our hotel.

The cemetary in Recoleta in which many famous Argentine figures and their families are buried, including Evita Peron.

Mack inside the cemetary

Many of the tombs are very elaborate and guarded with fences.

Amie in front of a General´s tomb

The architecture varies greatly among the families...some are simple, other are extremely decorated and expensive.

Mack in Recoleta

A dinner/Tango show in the heart of San Telmo

Live Tango band and dancers profiling the history and progression of Tango dancing in Argentina.

Que romantico

A very sexy and passionate dance


We took a 4 hour bike tour around Buenos Aires...saw the sites, made some friends...Amie looks like Kermit

HAHAHAHAHA Mackie has a helmet

Puerto Madero...on the left is the wealthy residential area of BA.

La Boca neighborhood - poor part of Buenos Aires where the immigrants settled...neighborhood is located near an old port in BA, and the people would use extra paint from the shipyards to paint their houses...now the colors have become a defining characteristic of the neighborhood.

Mack in La Boca after his twelfth empenada
In neighborhood of Palermo....no comment
El Barrio

La Boca neighborhood on the bike tour

Amie ditched me for these people in La Boca

It´s just funny
No please don´t go home...you like it here...they love you...big fans (right in front of the Presidents house - La Casa Rosada)
Us with the tour guides

Cocktails with Jessica and Erica - sisters from Seattle that we met on the bike tour

Mack and Amie at Mirandas...killer restaurant in Palermo. Ate at midnight and the place was packed
View from balcony
Went to a dinner party with Pablo and Mercedes´friends...watched Eastern Indian movies, ate Greek food, drank a lot, and danced in the living room (standard). It was definitely nice to be welcomed into another crew since we miss ours so much...these guys were so cool

Crew before Pablos show at Carlitos eating pancakes for dinner...no seriously they´re insane. Not standy banana pancakes with syrup but with chicken, tomatoes, spinach, cheese...closest we´ve come to a burrito....mmmmmm pancakes

Mack and Lulu

Dub stylee´

Jammin´with Aztecas Tupro - these guys rule

Caught part of the band for a photo after the show - Percussion, lead vocals, bass, guitar

Aztecas Tupro fan club...with party horn

Hold it now...hit it. These moves were perfected the night before the show.

This band played after Aztecas Tupro - also opened for Manu Chao in Mar Del Plata when Bush was here for Econ Summit...killer reggae style

Pablo and Amie gettin´down

La Familia a Locomondo - after Pablo´s show


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