Mar Del Plata was awesome...we had a great time. We stayed in a nice hotel two blocks from the beach. It is summer break in Argentina so there are all kinds of people on the coast. The beaches are so looks like San Diego on 4th of July, but more families, less tattoos, and no frat guys. We didn't do a single touristy thing, just lounged on the beach, ate good meals, drank some cocktails, saw some live music, and kicked it. Wish you guys were here. Miss you.
Mar Del Plata was awesome...we had a great time. We stayed in a nice hotel two blocks from the beach. It is summer break in Argentina so there are all kinds of people on the coast. The beaches are so looks like San Diego on 4th of July, but more families, less tattoos, and no frat guys. We didn't do a single touristy thing, just lounged on the beach, ate good meals, drank some cocktails, saw some live music, and kicked it. Wish you guys were here. Miss you.
Mack and Amie
Bob flyer
1 of many Rolling Stones cover bands...these guys were pretty solid
Playa Chica
Mackey on the rocks
Street view of Playa Grande and Playa Chica
Cheeseballs in Mar Del Plats
Look Scotty - Surfdog representn' in Argentina in a beach bar
We asked our hotel clerk to snap a quick photo for us....homeboy didn't get it. Here's the progression of us trying to explain in our drunken, broken Spanish how to operate a digital camera....It took ten matter what we said he wouldn't hold the button down long enough. We were dying laughing.
Here's the end result...good times
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