Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Hi everyone,
Sorry we´ve been lagging on these updates, but we have been super busy with Junebug and Emily in town. Great times and lots of touristy activities including: Boca Juniors soccer game, San Telmo street market, Botanical Gardens, Teatro Colon (enourmous opera house built in the late 1800´s), and many great Argentine meals. It´s been great having a crew around, it definitely kicked up the tourist vibe a few notches (4 cameras and countless references from the Buenos Aires guidebook). The Boca Juniors game was incredible, the hooligans sit right behind one of the goals and go nuts and sing the whole game. We´ve been eating so well for so cheap...empanadas, churripan, bife de lomo, medialunas, and the best ice cream in the world, dulce de leche. Enjoy the pics, more to follow from Uruguay!

PS, we changed the template because the captions disappeared sometimes. There should be a caption for every pic, so if you don´t see one then highlight under the pic.

Mack and Amie
Total poser tourists...loved it. Hay churri?
High energy in the crowd, fans never stop singing for the entire game.
Bocaditas Bonitas
"¡Yo soy de Boca!"

Boca lining up a free kick

Obelisco on Ave 9 de Julio (widest avenue in the world)

Sick club in Puerto Madero - Opera Bay

Amie at Opera Bay

San Telmo Market - little hustlers

Lots of steet musicians, all types of music.

In the center square of San Telmo

Fresh squeezed OJ...soooo fresh

Many street vendors, hand made arts & crafts, and antiques

Insane Latino band


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