Thursday, March 02, 2006


Pinamar is another beachtown just north of Villa Gesell, a little more upscale and a popular vacation spot for Argentina´s elite. Unfortunately it rained most of the time we were here, which was a bummer, but Junebug came to meet us....bonus! The light rain turned into a pretty bad storm, crazy winds and huge waves. Not much to do for entertainment in a rainy beach town, but we made the best of it. So glad Junebug is here, we're looking forward to heading back to BA.
Peace and love
Mack, Amie and Junebug
Beaches are very clean, pretty secluded and stretch for miles.
Took a looooonnnnnggg walk down the beach. Power walking burns some serious calories. Mack couldn't keep up..
Spin class on the beach. All of the beach clubs offer yoga, aerobics, pilates and outdoor exercise.
Real World Argentina house
Junebug arrives.....woohoo!!
Of course...straight to the casino
Mini Jazz Dog with JB
Our hotel right on the beach
Miles of beach, great restaurants, and beautiful scenery


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